How many shoes?
Set a timer for 3 minutes and see how many different types of shoes you can name - Try racing against a friend
How many shoes?
Have a guess at how many shoes you own and then go and count them - Who owns the biggest number in your home?
Write a message in your footprints in the sand or snow or mud. In bare feet or shoes- it's up to you
How many shoes?
Can you name a kind of footwear for every letter of the alphabet? You could play this one in the car with everyone taking one letter in turn and thinking of a type of shoe.
Design a shoe
Try spirograph
Is there a box of spirograph cogs lying in the cupboard somewhere? Dig them out and make a design.
You can buy kits to do outdoor enormous spirographs with chalk on the pavement or there is a youtube guide to making your own cogs but that might require a whole summer holiday and a very enthusiastic DIY assistant. And remember 'Don't Injure Yourself'
Find a charity that gives shoes to those who have none - for example find out what you can about :
Soles for Souls or The Leprosy Mission
Think up a way you can raise money for a charity that helps people to have a pair of shoes or collect pairs for a charity shop or...
Create your own crazy golf course
How inventive can you be? Make sure you don't break anything and it's probably not a good idea to do it on top of the table!